Sunday, April 1, 2007

Stop Government Abuse: Save Our People!

Are you black? Are you white? Are you Hispanic? Are you a man? Are you a woman? Are you a mother, a father, a grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, human being? If you answered yes to any of these questions you need to become a part of this movement. As human beings we must insist that all government agencies treat us with respect by uniting as one to stop government abuse. Let me share some stories of abuse:

A young one woman from Washington Heights, NY was awakened by the sound of loud bangs coming from her front door. She walked over to the door in fear as she heard US Marshals yell, "Open the fucking door!" She asked, "Who are you?" They replied, "Open the fucking door!" She asked, "Do you have a warrant?" They yelled again as they continued banging, "Open the fucking door!" Suddenly they broke through the wooden door, one agent rushed the 98 pound female, grabbed her by her throat, slammed her head against the wall, proceeded by slamming her onto the floor, and dragging her into the living room. He began to make death threats toward her by saying, "I am going to kill you! I am going to kill you and your whole family!" She asked in tears, "Where is your warrant and he held a blank piece of paper and rubbed it into her face and said, "There's your warrant!" This female was abuse, tormented, humiliated, and traumatized. To add insult to injury the US Marshal called her a "Fucking Spic!"

The US Marshals left without submitting any paperwork or contact information.The ambulance had to get the young girl, her back, head, and left thigh were injured. She's currently seeking psychiatric treatment because of the trauma she experienced. Unfortunately, when officers from the 33rd precinct arrived they did not ask the Marshals for identification as a result the names of these men are unknown. The 33rd precinct did not care about the anguish and pain this young girl experienced.

In Washington Heights NYPD from the 33rd precinct arrested a father of 3 who has worked full-time and paid taxes since the age of 16. As this man sat in the driver's seat of his legally parked vehicle ready to go home because he had to get ready to go to work at 6am, undercover police approached him and two other men; they asked, "Do you have anything in your pockets?" They said. "No!" They searched the father of 3 and the other 2 men without probable cause. They didn't find anything illegal so they proceeded toward the vehicle. The NYPD officer searched the vehicle for 10 seconds and suddenly came up with a plastic ziploc bag filled with cocaine. The father of 3 was arrested. He was confused and distraught. He was processed and sent to central booking for 2 days. By Tuesday the courts dropped the case. Why was this case dropped? Because they know the cops did a sloppy job of setting him up. It gets worse! The confiscated $5oo dollars he had from his paycheck which he had a stub for and when he went to retrieve his money... guess what the precinct reported... "We don't have a record of $500" Is this fair? This man was tortured and disrespected, he was robbed by the cops and there was no repercussion for the abuse. This must stop!

In Washington Heights a Dominican woman went to report her stolen cell phone at the 33rd precinct. They made her wait for 2 hours. When it was her turn the police officer was rude and obnoxious. The woman was told they needed more information from her. She came back on two separate occasions and it wasn't until the 3rd day that they took care of her. Why did it take 3 days to file a report? What are police officer doing?

A kindergarten teacher from Washington Heights went on a field trip to the firehouse. After the firehouse she decided to go by the precinct to attain information regarding a school visit. She walked into the precinct and the front desk officer said, "What do you want?" Is this the appropriate way to treat anyone. Was it because she was a Hispanic woman in Washington Heights?

A Dominican man's car was stolen on a Monday night, he went to the precinct to report the car stolen and was told he had to file his claim the next day. This man made several attempts to report his car stolen. The police department would not assist him in processing the paperwork he needed for his insurance company. He was treated like an animal. He sat on the bench by the Complaint room for 2 hours before he was acknowledged. Why did this happen to him? Was it because his English wasn't fluent? Was it because he was a Dominican man and the officers disregard the people of the community.

On March 15th a girl went to the 33rd precinct to file a complaint regarding police brutality; she sat on the bench by the Complaint room without acknowledgment. After sitting there for 1 1/2 she is told to try again the next day. She returned to the precinct and sat there for 2 1/2 hours she fainted from the physical pain caused to her by the US Marshals. The ambulance had to get her from the precinct and she was still unable to file a complaint with the 33rd precinct.

A young mother was standing on 174th and Audubon Avenue and police from the 33rd taunted and verbally abused her for standing on the corner. They said, "Get off the fucking corner! What you waiting for your drug dealing boyfriend?" This young mother was standing on the corner waiting for her son, did she deserve this disrespect? Why do the police feel so comfortable abusing us.

In Virginia a man who has NEVER been arrested was set up by police during a bogus stop. The man was pulled over along with 3 other passengers. Police searched the vehicle and found a small plastic bag of cocaine which all 4 men denied belonged to them. They let the other 3 men go and arrested the driver. Please note... it was a small palm size bag of cocaine and although the man was innocent his paid, white lawyer forced him to plead guilty. The judge sentenced him to 3-5 years in prison. WHY??? How could this happen in America? What are we going to do to save this men and many other like him? We need to spread the word and let the government know we will not tolerate the ABUSE any longer.

In Georgia a black 17 year old athletic with a bright future was sentenced to 10 years in prison because a white girl (15 yrs & 11 months) performed consensual oral sex on the boy. Why was he given 10 yrs in prison? While a school teacher had sex with his high school student and only got 90 days in jail. This has to stop!

This could happen to you or your family member. DO NOT wait until it happens to someone you love to make a difference. Help change the world NOW!!!


Unknown said...

Innocent people are jailed everyday and America doesn't give a damn!

Unknown said...

We have to rise up and legally defend our rights... Please help minorities fight against injustice!